Website Design

Fight Fitness Center

A local business website with social media integration and an integrated e-commerce store.


WordPress CMS, WooCommerce

Custom LEMP Stack (Ubuntu, nGinX, MySQL, PHP, SSL)


That’s It Guys

A news website with social media integration, user forums, and a custom advertising and affiliate marketing platform.


WordPress CMS, Disqus, custom phpBB installation, AntiSpam mods, and Mumble.

Custom LEMP Stack (Ubuntu, nGinX, MySQL, PHP, SSL)

A custom project that allowed anonymous user-driven data to be added to a global map, showing LTE cellular coverage for cellular carriers.


WordPress CMS, Disqus, Google Maps API

Custom LEMP Stack (Ubuntu, nGinX, MySQL, PHP)


Repper Multimedia

A business website with a portfolio and an integrated e-commerce store.

Repper Multimedia was built to offer the same level of functionality on personal computers as well as mobile devices.
